Established and accredited program following all TEKS standards and taught by a certified teacher since 2003. You won’t find this curriculum anywhere else, since a panel of some of our top educators and child development experts developed it.
Teaching leadership skills is a fundamental part of our curriculum. Our leadership program, INSPIRED, focuses on six significant life literacies: Social, Health, Environmental, Civic, Entrepreneurial, and Financial. We want each child to be inspired to reach their fullest potential!
Concepts and skills are presented and reinforced through intentional teaching and incorporating language arts, math, science, social studies and STEAM. Kindergartners participate in extracurricular activities such as physical education, music, technology and word studies.
Independent thinking teaches our students how to make sense of their world using personal experiences and observations. Children can gain confidence and the ability to learn from mistakes. Through engaging activities, team projects and varied teaching methods we energize our students and foster a life long love of learning.
Research stresses the importance of an array of learning experiences during a young child’s life. Teachers design lessons to support children’s interest in a particular topic while addressing a child’s strengths and areas of growth.
Students learn and are more motivated with frequent and immediate feedback. Learning together in groups increases the opportunity for frequent feedback and reflection from peers. Working together on class projects children learn to work together and function as a team.
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